Why You Should Outsource Your Eligibility and Benefits Verification

Why You Should Outsource Your Eligibility and Benefits Verification


Brought to you by RevCycle Partners, and in partnership with RevolutionEHR, this webinar explains why you should outsource your eligibility and benefits verification. When compared to outsourcing insurance billing, outsourcing E&B verification is not as common, yet E&B verification is important for a smoother patient experience. Learn more about implementing a robust verification process, the problems associated with verification systems, and the benefits you can reap if you outsource your eligibility and benefits verification.

In this webinar, you will learn about outsourcing basics, division of responsibility (what responsibilities WeVerify tackles, and what responsibilities remain with your practice), how WeVerify maintains security and protects your patients’ data, what the transition period looks like from in-house verification to outsourcing, and more. Questions about the differences between verification services and billing services are also answered. RevCycle Partners also presents WeVerify, a service that allows you to outsource your eligibility and benefits verification.


Credentialing Services for Optometrists

RevCycle Partners provides credentialing services for optometrists.

Do you have credentialing headaches that you are ready to relieve?